Коллективный заказ семян у Яна из Голландии урожая 2016 года

Автор Cucumber, 12 марта 2016, 00:47:34

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      3- C. rohlfsianum
      3- C. x wellensiekii ( C. cyprium x C. libanoticum)
      3- C. mirabile 'Tilebarn Jan' (white flower)
      3-C. mirabile
      3-C. libanoticum
      3-C. hederifolium 'Lysander' (incised leaves, pink flower)
     3-C. hederifolium 'Fairy Rings', white flower
     3-C. hederifolium 'Fairy Rings', pink flower
     3-C. cyprium E.S.
     3-C. alpinum pink/light pink


2- C. alpinum pink/light pink
2- C. coum ex CSE S21/N88397 pink- and darker pink flower
2- C. coum silver leaf, pink flower, flowers sometimes don't fully open, very tiny little leaves (**)
2-  C. hederifolium extreme dark purple
2- C. purpurascens, coll. Novy Hradec/Czech Republic (stock plants have different leaf shape, bigger flowers)
2 - C. purpurascens 'Green Ice' (broad green margin, silver X-mas centre)


Добавьте, пожалуйста
3 - C. persicum ex JCA 1050 (Lebanon)
3 - C. cilicium forma album
3 - C. hederifolium 'Ruby Glow'/'Ruby Strain'
2 - C. hederifolium silver leaf, pink flower
3 - C. hederifolium 'Lysander' (incised leaves, pink flower)
3 - C. graecum ssp. graecum
3 - C. mirabile 'Tilebarn Nicholas'
3 - C. purpurascens X-mas tree patterned
3 - C. purpurascens 'Green Lake' (like 'Green Ice', vague green in the silver centre)


2- C. coum silver leaf, pale pink flower, extreme narrow x-mas
2- C. x meiklei (C. creticum 'Silvery Hope' x C. repandum) fantastic silver speckled leaves

Младший Пилот

5 - C. maritimum (C. graecum ssp. anatolicum) stock plant from Chimera/Turkey
5 - C. maritimum (C. graecum ssp. anatolicum) stock plant from Monte Smith/Rhodes


2 - C. coum pink, flowers don't open
2 - C. coum variegated silver leaves, pink flower
2 - C. persicum var. persicum forma albidum, silver leaf
2 - C. purpurascens, coll. Novy Hradec/Czech Republic (stock plants have different leaf shape, bigger flowers)

Чем дальше в лес, тем толще партизаны.


       3 - C. balearicum
       3 -C. coum pink, flowers sometimes don't fully open, small tiny leaves
       3 -C. coum silver leaf, pink flower, flowers sometimes don't fully open, small leaves
       3-C. hederifolium 'No Name', white flower 
      3 - C. hederifolium silver leaf, Arrow Head
      3 - C. pseudibericum seeds from the best patterened stock plants


3 - C. mirabile 'Tilebarn Jan' (white flower)
3 - C. mirabile 'Tilebarn Nicholas'


Сургут ХМАО-Югра
10 - C. purpurascens
5- C. purpurascens silver leaf, seeds from entirely silver leaved plants
5- C. coum silver leaf, deep purple flower
2- C. purpurascens forma album
Люблю цветы


5- C. hederifolium extreme dark purple (impr. 'Rosenteppich') some seedl. fl. RHS 187A (can pale a bit on a too warm place)
Люблю цветы


Все  заказы до этого сообщения записаны.

Просьба копировать названия  сортов с сайта http://www.bravenboer.tk/ или из моего списка, пусть даже не полностью. Искажённые названия сложнее и дольше вносить в список.
Названия вроде: "C.coum Album,seeds.from.beautiful.patterned  stock.plants" и
"C.hederifolium silverleaf.darc purple flover" приниматься больше не будут.

Я планирую закрыть предзаказ 31 марта и отослать список. 
В августе будет известно, что точно есть в наличии. Тогда можно будет что-то добрать, от чего-то придётся отказаться, по ситуации.
Когда я получу заказ (примерно сентябрь-октябрь) если будут излишки, то их тоже можно будет выкупить.

Ольга Сова

2- C. hederifolium narrow leaf, white flower
2- C. hederifolium silver leaf, narrow leaf, white flower
2- C. hederifolium 'Fairy Rings', pink flower
2- C. hederifolium 'Tilebarn Shirley', white fl.
2- C. hederifolium ssp. crassifolium ex CSE 93159


5 C. maritimum (C. graecum ssp. anatolicum)
5 C. graecum ex CSE (seeds from beautiful patterned stock plants)
5 C. hederifolium ssp. crassifolium ex CSE 93073 (sold out)
5 C. graecum ssp. graecum
5 C. coum 'Album', plain leaf


Республика Алтай( Горный Алтай)
2-C. coum silver leaf, pink flower, flowers sometimes don't fully open, small leaves (**) (sold out)
2-C. coum ssp. caucasicum (plant bought as ssp. abchasicum) (sold out)
2-C. hederifolium 'Fairy Rings', white flower (sold out)
3-C. hederifolium 'Lysander' (incised leaves, pink flower) (sold out)
3-C. hederifolium 'Lysander', silver leaf (incised leaves, pink flower) (sold out)   
2-C. hederifolium 'No Name', white flower (sold out)
3-C. hederifolium 'Peter Moore' white fl. (**) (sold out)
3-C. hederifolium purple centre (some seedl. show a purple centre in autumn) white fl. (sold out)
3-C. hederifolium silver leaf, white flower
2-C. hederifolium 'Tilebarn Shirley', white fl.
3-C. purpurascens 'Garibaldi' (silver- thick leaves, not always true to the type) (sold out)
3-C. purpurascens 'Green Ice' (broad green margin, silver X-mas centre) (sold out)   
3-C. purpurascens silver leaf, seeds from entirely silver leaved plants (sold out)
3-C. purpurascens forma album (sold out)
2-C. mirabile 'Tilebarn Anne' (silver leaf) (sold out)
2-C. mirabile 'Tilebarn Nicholas' (sold out)


Добавьте, пожалуйста:
5шт - C. cyprium E.S.
5шт - C. mirabile 'Tilebarn Anne' (silver leaf)
5шт - C. mirabile 'Tilebarn Nicholas'

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